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  • Gebundenes Buch

Renowned food photographer Davies shares her favorite simple dishes with a dazzling collection of recipes and beautiful images. Showcasing her extraordinary eye, this debut cookbook is a unique combination of food diary and how-to, with tips, tricks, and photos.

Renowned food photographer Davies shares her favorite simple dishes with a dazzling collection of recipes and beautiful images. Showcasing her extraordinary eye, this debut cookbook is a unique combination of food diary and how-to, with tips, tricks, and photos.
A native of Dublin, Ireland, Katie Quinn Davies works as a commercial food and lifestyle photographer shooting for some of the leading Australian and US food publications and advertising agencies. Her blog, What Katie Ate, won the 2011 Best Food Photography Award from's Best Food Blog Award, and has been widely featured in design, media, and food blogs. She lives in Sydney, Australia.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Rezension
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Besprechung von 15.12.2013

Für Hobbyköche mit Experimentierlust:

Katie Quinn kommt aus Australien und ist Fotografin und Foodbloggerin. Während es viele Blogs gibt, die man ignorieren sollte, dokumentiert dieses Buch auf gutem Niveau, wie man es besser machen kann: zum Beispiel mit umfangreicheren, sachkundigen Erklärungen und atmosphärischen Bildern.

Katie Quinn Davies: "What Katie ate. Über 100 Lieblingsrezepte aus Katies Küche." Umschau Verlag, 24,95 Euro.

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