Before they were famous, THEY WERE BOUNCERS. Hollywood actors, UFC champions, pro wrestling superstars and other exceptional people tell over ONE HUNDRED jaw-dropping stories from their days of mayhem in bars, stadiums and nightclubs all over the world! "When I was fourteen years old, I was a bouncer in a whorehouse in the Amazon." -- RENZO GRACIE, MMA/Jiu Jitsu legend "I smiled a little and said, 'Okay, I get it'. Then I smashed him in the face with a serving tray." -- THEO ROSSI, star of "Sons of Anarchy", "Cloverfield" and "Luke Cage" "Little did I know I was about to find one of the strippers standing there, wearing nothing but a c*ck ring!" -- ADAM "EDGE" COPELAND, WWE Hall-of-Famer, star of "Haven" "With girls, all bets are off. They're gonna hit with their purse, pull hair, whatever they can do. There's no rules." -- SHAYNA "THE QUEEN OF SPADES" BASZLER, UFC fighter Other featured bouncers include UFC champions "EL GUAPO" BAS RUTTEN, DON "THE PREDATOR" FRYE and PAT "THE CROATIAN SENSATION" MILETICH; WWE superstars LANCE STORM and SAMOA JOE; 'True Blood' and 'Night at the Museum' star PATRICK GALLAGHER; martial arts legend/stuntman "JUDO" GENE LEBELL and MANY, MANY MORE! Compiled by actor, stuntman, MMA champion and 20-year bouncer Paul "The Mauler" Lazenby, these tales of shocking violence, back-room sex, and gut-busting hilarity are a must-read for all but the easily-offended!
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