"Madam, it is in your power to take me off this rack...." -- JOHN RUSSELL TO LADY FRANCES RICH, COUNTESS OF WARWICK This lavishly illustrated tribute includes marriage proposals spanning seven hundred years, all delivered in the form of love letters. Each of these enchanting missives illustrates the unique sensibilities of the time period in which it was written, from the commanding negotiations of the Gothic age to the beautifully written declarations promising eternal devotion of the Renaissance and beyond. Unabashedly nostalgic -- not to mention irresistibly romantic -- Will You Marry Me? transports modern-day lovers to a time gone by, when ordinary people and historical figures alike poured their hearts onto the page for their soul mates. Jonathan Swift, Sir Walter Scott, Victor Hugo, Friedrich Nietzsche, and King Henry VIII (to Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour) are represented in this diverse and enormously entertaining collection. Will You Marry Me? is for members of any generation, from those who are hopeless romantics at heart to amateur history buffs who long for a glimpse of the past. Whether there is a proposal in your future or just the wistful dream of a secret admirer, this timeless collection combining history and romance is one to cherish.
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