The U.S. Senate's 2017 confirmation process for President Trump's Cabinet. It forensically reveals the ethics, beliefs and philosophy behind four key Cabinet figures: Rex Tillerson, the former CEO of Exxon, now Secretary of State responsible for America's foreign policy; Attorney-General Jeff Sessions, a leading campaigner for the President and now his chief law officer; Dr Tom Price, a strident critic of Obamacare now Health Secretary and Scott Pruitt, a climate change sceptic confirmed as Director of the Environmental Protection Agency.
The appointment of these men will have huge implications. They will lead the administration's policy on Russia, the Middle East, Iran and North Korea, on human rights worldwide, on the Paris Climate control agreement, as well as on the civil rights and the health of millions of Americans.
The appointment of these men will have huge implications. They will lead the administration's policy on Russia, the Middle East, Iran and North Korea, on human rights worldwide, on the Paris Climate control agreement, as well as on the civil rights and the health of millions of Americans.