"A stylish, cool, ratatattat machine gun prose that blazes from all chambers -- it's like an unholy union of Heathers and Dexter. Clare Bleecker is an unforgettable, dangerous voice." -- Tom Holland, writer-director of Fright Night and Child's Play "Clare at Sixteen is a terrifying triumph! What Don Roff has done with this highly personal and deeply disturbing novel is deliver one of the most memorable and ultimately sympathetic serial killers since Robert Bloch conceived of Norman Bates. This bloody and brilliant book, as well as its complex main character, will haunt readers long after their final prayers of the night. BRAVO!" -- Mark Pavia, Writer/Director of Stephen King's The Night Flier "Reminiscent of Heathers, Clare at Sixteen is a delightfully dark teen horror comedy with a dauntless and snarky heroine who serves up her own unique brand of small town justice along with some killer vegan smoothie recipes." --S.G. Browne, author of Breathers and Less Than Hero
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