Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Why not be direct about death?
1.2 Taboo, euphemism and dysphemism
1.3 Highlighting and hiding
1.4 Do metonymy and metaphor let us achieve a long-lasting backgrounding effect?
1.5 The structure of the book
1.6 Sources and methods
Chapter 2. Why have metonymies for death?
2.1 Types of metonymic relation
2.2 Why are part for whole and whole for part metonymies so important?
2.3 Why are part for whole and whole for part used to talk about death?
2.4 How do we select the source?
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3. How is the part for whole used to talk about death?
3.1 The initial stage
3.2 The central and post-central stage
3.3 The final stage
3.4 The post-final stage - the effect of death
3.5 Multiple part for whole metonymies
3.6 Part for whole in metaphor and blending
3.7 Form metonymy
3.8 Conclusion
Chapter 4. How is the whole for part used to talk about death?
4.1 Whole for part - euphemising death and dying
4.2 Whole for part and deliberately caused death
4.3 Whole for part and suicide
4.4 Whole for part in militarese and other specialised discourse genres
4.5 Whole for part - multiple levels of euphemism
4.6 Whole for part euphemisms for death-related concepts
4.3 Conclusion
Chapter 5. Why Use Metaphors for Death?
Chapter 6. The Death of Sleep
6.1 The experiential basis of death is sleep
6.2 The state of the 'soul' during death and sleep
6.3 Funerary customs that extend the correspondences between death and sleep
6.4 Dreams and the afterlife
6.5 Awakening and resurrection
6.6 The manifestations of the death is sleep metaphor
6.7 Examples of blending
6.8 Conclusion
Chapter 7. Darkness, night and winter
7.1 A lifetime is a fire
7.2 A lifetime is a year and a lifetime is a day
7.3 Blending
7.4 Conclusion
Chapter 8. The End of a Journey
8.1 The deceased are 'gone', but where did they 'go'?
8.2 The Source of the voyage in death is departure
8.3 'Going' to Heaven, eternity, or another Goal
8.4 How do we 'get there'? The Path in death is departure
8.5 When the body is a container
'Going to one's grave' as a conceptual blend
8.7 Conclusion: To what extent are we all
going together?
Chapter 9. Game Over
9.1 Death as a game/entertainment
9.2 Cultural frames in death is the end of a game/entertainment
9.3 Death as a player: A conceptual blend
9.4 The deceased as a player - a conceptual blend
9.5 Conclusion
Chapter 10. The Unseemly Sights and Sounds of Death
10.1 Position of the body
10.2 The sounds of life and death
10.3 Burial of the body
10.4 Funerary rites and artefacts
10.5 Manner of death
10.6 Processes of decay
10.7 Blending
10.8 Conclusion
Chapter 11. Conclusion
11.1 The hiding power of death metonymies
11.2 Near-universals in the human experience of death