Mark von Rosing is a best-selling author, a sought-after speaker, researcher and board-room advisor. He is a pioneer in the field of climate control and Sustainability. Through his research, publications and effort with standard bodies (ISO, IEEE, OMG, CEN, NIST, LEADing Practice, NATO, UN, W3C) he has been involved of developing 200+ Enterprise Standards and 52 different Industry Standards. Beyond, he left his mark in the field of process modelling having published the best-selling book series The Complete Business Process Handbook, published by Elsevier. Companies such as SAP AG have involved him in developing and leading their Sustainability approaches as well as the Sustainability architecture approaches.Henrik von Scheel is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers on strategy with focus on growth + innovation and is a sought-after speaker. Listed by Financial Times as one of the most influential business thinkers on strategy and management concepts and corporate practices. He was awarded the "NEXT 100 Top Influencers of the European Digital Industry in 2012" among the most important Europeans shaping our digital future. Best known as one of the founding fathers of Europe's digital agenda 2020 and Industry 4.0. He has played a significant role to define Germany's digital agenda in 09, which was adopted by the European Commission in 2010 as part of the Europe 2020. He digital agenda evolved into the fourth industrial revolution. Through his academic research, publications and efforts with standard bodies (ISO, IEEE, OMG, CEN, NIST, LEADing Practice, NATO, UN, W3C) he has defined concepts and practices in business management and strategy execution that have evolved the mainstream thinking of what is being taught by academia and applied by organizations today. He is accredited for his contribution of having identified the repeatable patterns of the outperformers, early adopters, & industry adopters and hyper-growth organization over the past 30 years i.e. best practices, industry practices, leading practices, emerging & disruptive trends adoptions patterns. Most notable are the emerging & disruptive trends, competitive advantage lifecycle, six business models, operating model notations and complexity simplification. Henrik is the CEO of LEADing Practice and serves as board member at Google EMEA, Gazprom, Global University Alliance and Capital Investment Partners.
Introduction to the Book
Phase I: Process Concept Evolution
Mark von Rosing, August-Wilhelm Scheer, Henrik von Scheel, John A. Zachman, James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Marianne Fonseca, Keith Swenson
Sun Tzu
Adam Smith
Henry Ford
Gantt Chart
Frank B. Gilbreth
Allan B. Mogensen
Boeing B17
Ben S. Graham
Functional Flow Block Diagram og PERT (1950'erne)
Data Flow Diagrams og IDEF (1970'erne)
Zero Defects (1960'erne)
Toyota Production System (1948-75)
IDS Scheer
John A. Zachman
LEAN & Lean Consumption
Business Process Reengineering
TQM (+TQM Tools)
Six Sigma
What is BPM
Phase II: BPM Way of Thinking
Mark von Rosing, Wim Laurier, Maria Hove, Simon Polovina, Neil Kemp, Henrik von Scheel
The value of an Ontology
The BPM Ontology
Process Tagging - Classification and categorization
Process Templates
Phase III -The BPM Way of Working
Mark von Rosing, August W. Scheer, Henrik von Scheel, Adam D.M. Svendsen, Anette Bøgebjerg, Anni Olsen, Antony Dicks, Asif Gill, Bob J Storms, Cay Clemmensen, Christopher K. Swierczynski, Dan Moorcroft, Dan T. Jones, David Coloma, Dickson Hunja Muhita, Duarte Gonçalves, Hendrik Bohn, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Fan Zhao, Fatma Dandashi, Fred Cummins, Gabriel von Scheel, Gary Doucet, Gabriella von Rosing, Gert O Jansson. Hans Scheruhn. Harald Van der Weel, Henk de Man, Henrik Naundrup Vester, Jacob Gammelgaard, James P. Womack, Jeanne Ross, John A. Zachman, John Bertram, John Golden, John M. Rogers, Jonnro Erasmus, Joshua Michael von Scheel, Joshua Waters, Justin Tomlinson, Keith Swenson, Karin Gräslund, Kenneth Dean Teske, Klaus Vitt, Krzysztof Skurzak, LeAnne Spurrell, Lloyd Dugan, Lotte Tange, Mads Clausager, Maria Hove, Mark Stanford, Marianne Fonseca, Marlon Dumas, Mathias Kirchmer, Maxim Arzumanyan, Michael Tisdel, Mikael Munck, Mike A. Marin, Mona von Rosing, Nathaniel Palmer, Neil Kemp, Nils Faltin, Patricia Kemp, Peter Franz, Rich Hilliard, Richard N. Conzo, Richard L. Fallon, Rogan Morrision, Ronald N. Batdorf, Sarel J. Snyman, Scott Davis, Simon Polovina, Steve Willoughby, Thomas Boosz, Thomas Christian Olsen, Ulrik Foldager, Victor Abele, Volker Rebhan, Wim Laurier, Yury Orlov, Zakaria Maamar
Business Process Trends
Building BPM Competencies - the BPM Center of Excellence
The various BPM Roles
Working with the BPM LifeCycle
Process Analysis
Process Build
Process Deployment
Process Monitoring & Process Maintenance
Continuous Process Improvement
Chief Process Officer - executing the strategy
iBPM - Intelligent Business Process Management
Evidence Based BPM
Social Media & BPM
BPM Maturity
Phase IV -The BPM Way of Modelling
Mark von Rosing, Conrad Bock, Henk deMan, Fred Cummins, Henrik von Scheel, Stephen White, Jonnro Erasmus, Mathias Kirchmer, David Coloma, Gabriella von Rosing, Henrik von Scheel, Karin Graeslund, Hans Scheruhn, Richard L. Fallon
How to work with and model Business Processes Variations
Focusing business processes on superior value creation: value oriented process modelling
Sustainability Oriented Process Modeling
Process Automation- Link between process models and information models
Phase V - The Way of Implementation and Governance
Mark von Rosing, Joshua von Scheel, Asif Gill, Maria Hove, Mona von Rosing, Joshua von Scheel, Dickson Muhita, Maria Hove, Gabriella von Rosing, Bob Storms, Dr. Hendrik Bohn, Joshua von Scheel, Richard Conzo, August W. Scheer, Nils Faltin, Kenneth Dean Teske, Michael D. Tisdel, Victor Abele, Justin Tomlinson, Henrik von Scheel, Gary Doucet, Gert O Jansson
Agile BPM
BPM Change Management
BPM Governance
BPM Portfolio Management
Real Time Learning BPM
BPM Alignment
Business Process Outsourcing
Phase VI - The Way of Training and Coaching
Mark von Rosing, Henrik von Scheel, Marianne Fonseca, Maria Hove, Ulrik Foldager
The need for a standardized and common Process Training
Process eXpert Training
Process Architect Training
Process Engineer Training