"One of the most gripping, original apocalyptic stories I have ever read." -- Horror After Dark As the seven days of the Creation continue, those who have survived will be put to the ultimate test, for each new day brings with it immeasurable horrors. Water stripped from the Amazon rainforest; plant-life that will bring a new definition to the term carnivorous; beasts, animals and creeping things . . . All will precede the coming of this dark god's ultimate creation, the purpose for which it has come: To create Man. While thrust into a world they no longer recognize, both Dugan and Faye must battle not only an omnipotent being but the forces which prop it up from all sides. Forces that may come from within their own group, or even within their own minds. In the final installment of
The Creation Series the roles of Gods and Man will be redefined. For with humanity's survival at stake, no path can be left unexplored - even those which may lead to a darkness greater than the foe our heroes must defeat. For it took a devil to stop God's plans once; becoming that devil may be the only option that remains.
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