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"Whatever happens, don't lose each other. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself," they repeated in their distant youth. It didn't come true. But twenty years later, Volodya and Yura met again. Is it possible to build a future on the ruins of a long forgotten past? Or is it better to let him die, making him truly valuable? .. "What the Swallow Is Silent About" is the long-awaited sequel to the bestseller "Summer in a Pioneer Tie".

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"Whatever happens, don't lose each other. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself," they repeated in their distant youth. It didn't come true. But twenty years later, Volodya and Yura met again. Is it possible to build a future on the ruins of a long forgotten past? Or is it better to let him die, making him truly valuable? .. "What the Swallow Is Silent About" is the long-awaited sequel to the bestseller "Summer in a Pioneer Tie".

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