Autor im Porträt
Marion Zimmer Bradley
zur AutorenweltToptitel von Marion Zimmer Bradley
Warrior Woman (eBook, ePUB)
eBook, ePUB
This is not a typical Marion Zimmer Bradley novel. This book is the result of a bet between Marion and Don Wollheim, her editor for the Darkover novels at DAW Books. In addition, it's her response to the Gor novels - where men were men and women were slaves - that were also being published by DAW Books.
Yes, this book does start out with a heroine who has been captured and is being sold as a slave, who has amnesia and remembers nothing of her life before the trip across the desert with the slavers - and, due to a head injury, remembers mercifully little of that. But she does know that she would rather fight in the arena than be a harlot for the men who do, and that choice changes the rest of the book. In a Gor-style novel the woman would become less her own person, eventually learning to be a contented and obedient slave. In this book, even while the heroine, called Zadieyek of Gyre, remains a slave, she is something quite different from the typical 'slave girl' - she grows and develops, always searching for her memory and her past, convinced that this is not how her life is supposed to be. And, of course, she's right.
Yes, this book does start out with a heroine who has been captured and is being sold as a slave, who has amnesia and remembers nothing of her life before the trip across the desert with the slavers - and, due to a head injury, remembers mercifully little of that. But she does know that she would rather fight in the arena than be a harlot for the men who do, and that choice changes the rest of the book. In a Gor-style novel the woman would become less her own person, eventually learning to be a contented and obedient slave. In this book, even while the heroine, called Zadieyek of Gyre, remains a slave, she is something quite different from the typical 'slave girl' - she grows and develops, always searching for her memory and her past, convinced that this is not how her life is supposed to be. And, of course, she's right.
3,99 €
An den Feuern von Hastur (eBook, ePUB)
eBook, ePUB
Bestsellerautorin Marion Zimmer Bradley ("Die Nebel von Avalon") hat mit dem opulenten Darkover-Zyklus eine einzigartige Romanreihe geschaffen: Die fesselnde Geschichte einer geheimnisvollen fremden Welt und ihrer Bewohner ist Kult! Ein Raumschiff der Erde taucht über Darkover auf. Und die terranischen Raumfahrer sehen sich einem Volk gegenüber, das eingebettet in Familien- und Sippenstrukturen lebt. In der rationalen Denkweise der Terraner ist kein Platz für die geheimnisvolle Kraft des Laran, die einen entscheidenden Machtfaktor auf Darkover darstellt. In den Mittelpunkt der schicksalhaften Ereignisse gerät Leonie Hastur, eine intelligente und schöne junge Frau aus der Hastur-Familie, die darüber hinaus noch über ein besonders starkes Laran verfügt. Schon zeitig befallen sie Ahnungen, dass sich auf Darkover bald alles verändern wird. Eine unvorstellbare Gefahr droht dem Planeten, doch Leonie kann sich auf ihre Träume und Visionen keinen Reim machen. Dann auf einmal schwebt ein Raumschiff über den Wäldern des friedlichen Planeten Darkover...…mehr
4,99 €

© Jerry Bauer